Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Christmas Reads

In less than 2 weeks, I will be on a 6-week-long Christmas vacation. Can I get a 'hallelujah?!' Unfortunately it will be bittersweet (I think bittersweet might be my favorite word. . .and chocolate flavor).  This is my last Christmas break that will probably last longer than 7 days.  I'm never going back to Westminster to study, and I will be leaving the US for another 4.5 months.  Don't get me wrong, I'm absolutely ecstatic to be going back abroad, but it's hard to imagine another phase of my life is coming to an end.

In order to stop thinking about the inevitable, escaping into the world of literature is a good place to start.  December is perfect for cozy-ing up next to the fire with steaming hot cocoa, light folk music, and a tattered used book recently released from its sparkly red Christmas wrapping. I know I'm ready.  And since working at summer camp hindered the completion of my book list (in addition to Capstone taking up my "fun" reading), a lot of these books were from my list created this past June. 

1. Until the End - Christopher Pike
2. Bones of Betrayal - Jefferson Bass
3. After the Funeral - Agatha Christie
4. A Study in Scarlet and the Sign of Four-Arthur Conan Doyle
5. The Princess Bride - William Goldman
6. This Side of Paradise - F. Scott Fitzgerald
7. Eat, Pray, Love - Elizabeth GIlbert
8. The Naming of the Dead - Ian Rankin
9. Extras - Scott Westerfeld
10. Endless Night - Agatha Christie
11. Mere Christianity-C.S. Lewis
12. Dandelion Wine - Ray Bradbury
13. Captivating-John Eldredge
14. The Poisonwood Bible-Barbara Kingsolver
15. Blue Highways - William Heast Moon
16. Any remaining Nancy Drew novels in my room
17. Danse Macabre - Stephen King
18. The House of the Scorpion - Nancy Farmer
19. Lemony Snicket: The unauthorized autobiography
20. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring


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