Thursday, February 23, 2012

Mother's Day...?

So, the girls of theindieattic have recently picked up some letters, and by letters I mean mail and those of the greek variety. I must start with a disclaimer, I never thought I would have picked up a greek organization, it always look extremely fun, and who doesn't like fun?? But I will save my story of becoming a KD for another time. Mainly, I just want to show off the beautiful investment that certain girls have given to Kelc and I.  Hill happened to be one of those investors for another beautiful freshman (oops, forgot this was Hogwarts) freshman, first year. I wish I got some pictures of Hill crafting for her 'little.' So much time and love and puffy paint. 

Anyway, here is a bulletin board that my 'big' gave to me. Still have no idea who she is, but clearly knows some very important facets of my personality.  I love the color red and yellow. I love flowers. I love crafting. The accouterments I just added (like the goat picture, duh!) But soak in the beauty of this new addition to theindieattic. 

Here we move on to Kelcey's Phi Mu gift. Flowers. Every girl deserves flowers. But really they do.  Since I have known Kelc (yes, about a year, but best friendship transcends time) she has been adamant about one wish for her future... her husband, right before the wedding will pick her a bouquet of wild flowers. (I hope she is okay with me sharing this!!) But anyway, nothing could be more appropriate for our gal Kelc.

Enjoy all the support that is around you, 

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